The University of Mississippi Staff Council
Constitution and Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) Staff Council.
The purpose of The University of Mississippi Staff Council (the Council) is to support the mission of the University by serving as an advisory group to the chancellor (or the chancellor’s representatives) in matters that affect the welfare of the institution and/or its staff. The Council is committed to assessing, prioritizing, and communicating concerns relating to staff and in seeking solutions in order to promote the welfare of staff while contributing to the success of The University of Mississippi.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1. The Council shall consist of thirty-eight (38) staff members elected by the general membership. Of the thirty-eight Council members, twenty (20) seats shall be reserved for non-exempt staff members (EEO categories 4-7), fifteen (15) seats shall be reserved for exempt staff members (EEO categories 1 and 3), and one (1) seat shall be reserved for each of the regional campuses (DeSoto, Grenada, and Tupelo). Either exempt or non-exempt staff members may fill the seats for the regional campuses.
Section 2. The Council should be composed of staff members representing a variety of divisions and EEO categories on campus. The six (6) divisions that should be represented on the Council include but are not limited to:
- Academic Division
- Administration and Finance
- Athletics
- Executive Division
- Facilities Management
- Student Affairs Division
Section 3. All permanent, full-time staff employed for a period of not less than one (1) year shall be eligible for membership in the Council. Employees eligible for membership in the Faculty Senate or the Associated Student Body government will not be eligible for membership in the Council.
Section 4. The duties of the representatives will be to attend all meetings; to communicate to constituents information on Council activities; to communicate to the Council concerns and ideas of constituents and to serve on committees and participate in Council activities. Council representatives should be appointed by the Chancellor to staff-related Standing University Committees. When appointed, members will be expected to attend and represent the Council.
Section 5. Division of seats between exempt and non-exempt staff members from the main campus will be evaluated every three (3) years to ensure the ratios are consistent with the current workforce.
ARTICLE IV: Code of Conduct
Section 1. Elected Representative Commitment. Elected Council representatives must be committed to:
- Maintaining regular and open communication between the Council and constituent staff members.
- Valuing, respecting, and encouraging diversity and inclusiveness within the university community.
- Making a good faith effort to stay abreast of university policies, procedures, and expectations affecting the interest of staff and the function of the university.
- Representing and promoting the university and the Council in a professional and accurate manner.
- Not misrepresenting any action, position, or decision that adversely reflects on our profession, the Council, or on a member’s ability to serve individuals professionally.
- Maintaining confidence in regards to internal communication between Council representatives, university staff members, and university leadership.
- Promoting an environment with honest and open communication where all opinions are valued.
- Exhibiting respect toward those with whom Council members come in contact.
- Promoting and adhering to good stewardship of Council resources.
- Following UM’s Employee Conflict of Interest and upholding the University Creed.
- Regularly attending Council meetings and actively participating in Council activities and events.
- Participating in standing committees for the betterment of university staff and surrounding community.
Section 2. Failure to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct is subject to one of the following courses of action:
- A verbal warning and/or consultation with the Executive Council.
- A written letter of reprimand kept in a disciplinary file with the Council secretary.
- The Executive Council can make a recommendation for dismissal to the president and/or vice president.
- Dismissal from the Council as determined by the president and vice president. The Council member shall be notified in writing of his/her dismissal.
ARTICLE V: Term of Office
Section 1. Representatives of the Council will be elected to serve a three (3) year term beginning in July and ending June 30th. The Council officers (Executive Council) will be elected to serve a two (2) year term beginning July1st and ending June 30th. Council representatives may serve only one (3) year term as a council member after which they are eligible for re-election after one (1) year of leave from the Council. If a council member is elected to the Executive Council during their second or third year of council service, they may serve the additional one (1) to two (2) years as an Executive Council member. An Executive Council member (excluding the President) may also serve one (1) additional term in a different role on the Executive Council if elected.
Section 2. Any Council representative who misses a total of three (3) regularly scheduled meetings during a year without prior communication (July 1 – June 30) shall be in violation of the Council’s absence policy. These individuals will be notified and given the opportunity to reevaluate their commitment to the Council. They can choose to either continue as a Council member or resign.
Section 3: Any Council member who resigns during a term will be replaced by the alternate from the most recent election. In the event that an alternate was already appointed as a Council member, a second or third alternate will be named. This alternate will be the one who received the next-highest number of votes in the most recent election. Should the alternate serve less than a full-term, he/she shall be eligible for re-election for a consecutive term. If all alternates within a specified EEO category have been placed in vacant Council slots during the elected year, the Executive Council may then select from the roster of staff members whose names appeared on the most recent election ballot and make the recommendation to the president. When that list has been exhausted, the President may appoint an administrative, classified, professional, service maintenance, skilled crafts, technical, or unclassified staff member at-large to fill any Council seat that becomes vacant to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the vacated term.
Section 4: An administrative, classified, professional, service maintenance, skilled crafts, technical, or unclassified staff member shall fill seats vacated by a regional campus representative, if there is a staff member agreeable to the appointment. If no one is found to represent the regional campus, the president may then appoint an administrative, classified, professional, service maintenance, skilled crafts, technical, or unclassified staff member at-large to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the vacated term.
Section 5. Should a Council representative’s exemption status change at any time during an elected term, he/she will be eligible to serve out the remainder of the elected term and will continue to represent his/her elected seat.
Section 6. In the event that the president position becomes vacant, the vice president with Executive Council support shall fulfill president duties for the remainder of the academic year. If the vice president declines the role and responsibility, the immediate past president shall be requested to serve with support of the Executive Council.
Section 7. When a Council representative decides to vacate his/her position, a letter of resignation shall be submitted to the executive council before the next scheduled meeting.
ARTICLE VI: Nomination/Election Procedures to Serve on Staff Council
Section 1. Nomination. During the Spring semester, university staff employees will be encouraged to log into myOleMiss to indicate the inclusion of their names on the election ballot for their EEO category. Nominations will also be encouraged by Council members. All positive responses will be included on the electronic election ballot.
Section 2. Election Procedures. An election ballot will be prepared based on EEO category and will be available through myOleMiss. Ballots cast through myOleMiss will be automatically tabulated and verified by the president and other Executive Council members or an election committee, if formed. A period of one (1) to two (2) weeks will be allotted for voting. The individuals receiving the highest number of votes are elected representatives; individuals receiving the next highest number of votes will be considered alternates. In case of a tie, the individuals with the longer time of service to the University will be the winner.
Section 3. Upon acceptance to the Council, elected representatives will schedule an orientation session with the Executive Council prior to the first meeting in the fall semester.
ARTICLE VII: Organization
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held not less than monthly during the regular school year. Ad hoc meetings may be called by the president or Executive Council with two (2) days’ notice to the membership. All meetings will be open except during times of executive session. Every effort will be made to limit the meetings to less than 1.5 hours in duration.
Section 2. The agenda for Council meetings will include the call to order, recording of attendance, approval of the minutes of the prior meeting, approval of the treasurer’s report, unfinished business, new business, committee reports, discussion and recommendations, opportunity for attendees to address concerns, and adjournment. Additional items for the agenda should be submitted to the president one week prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Robert’s Rules of Order may be invoked by the president as needed. The president has the discretion to conduct meetings in a less formal manner.
Section 4. Before the fall meeting, an orientation session for new members will be conducted by the Executive Council. This session will provide information for newly elected representatives. The information shall cover the Council’s mission, goals the present officers and their duties and any other pertinent information needed to be successful in their role on the Council.
Section 5. A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum authorized to conduct business at any regular or ad hoc meeting of the Council. A majority vote by the Council representatives present shall carry a motion. Voting by the membership shall be by voice or show of hands except when deemed necessary by the president/exec council to vote by ballot. The definition of ballot, for this purpose, can be electronic or paper as deemed necessary by the president/Executive Council.
In extreme situations, a current Council member may vote by written proxy for only one (1) fellow Council representative.
Section 6. Current records of the Council shall be maintained and filed with the secretary. Inactive records will be transitioned and retained with the secretary for a period of seven (7) years, after which the Executive Council will review the records and designate archiving or destruction as appropriate.
Section 7. The president will take nominations or appoint members to ad hoc committees. These will be temporary/task focused appointments. All members are encouraged to serve on at least one (1) the of Staff Council or Chancellor Standing Committees as well.
Section 1. The officers of the Council (referred to as the Executive Council) shall include a president, immediate past president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, textbook scholarship manager, marketing manager and webmaster. New officers shall be elected in the late fall for the upcoming cycle beginning in July. The incoming officers will serve a two (2) year term with a semester in a training capacity with the out-going officers. Incoming officers will officially take office on July 1. In the event of a vacancy of an elected office, other than the Staff Council President, an Election committee will be formed and shall conduct a special election to fill the vacancy.
Section 2. The duties of the president are as follows:
- Presides over all regular meetings of the Council.
- Organizes the agenda for Council meetings.
- Acts as official spokesperson for the Council.
- Appoints members to the Chancellor’s Standing Committees.
- Takes nominations for Staff Council Committees and reserves the right to appoint chairs.
- Attends University ad hoc meetings and calls Council ad hoc meetings, if necessary.
- Supervises elections and works with the Executive Council to count ballots.
- Appoints ad hoc committees as necessary.
- Makes executive decisions without Council approval when necessary because of time constraints or inability to contact the Executive Council.
- Leads monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
- Meets with Council Committee chairs as needed.
- Serves as a signatory officer for the Council.
- Supervises the fiscal operations of the Council to ensure compliance with institutional, state, and federal policies, procedures, and regulations.
- Meets with Council treasurer and university accountants to develop annual Council budget.
Section 3. The duties of the immediate past president are as follows:
- Serve on the Executive Council.
- Attend meetings when needed.
- Assist with transition of new officers.
- Attend monthly meetings with the Chancellor, if requested.
- Serve on Chancellors standing committees, if requested.
Section 4. The duties of the vice president are as follows:
- Assumes and executes the duties of the president at Council meetings, Executive Council meetings with the Chancellor, and other duties as assigned in the president’s absence.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Serves as Chair of various committees.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
- Coordinates Staff Appreciation Week events and presents information to Executive Council for approval.
- Meets with Special Events office regarding staff appreciation gifts and presents information to Executive Council for approval.
- Coordinates distribution of service award pins and certificates to staff.
Section 5. The duties of the secretary are as follows:
- Prepares minutes of each meeting and distributes minutes to Council representatives for review within two weeks following Council meeting. If more time is needed, the president must be notified.
- Maintains official written records of Council meetings.
- Assists in the preparation and distribution of correspondence and other Council business to representatives, staff members, etc.
- Retains & maintains membership records., documents and files of the Council for a period of seven (7) years, with transition of records to new secretary elected within the 7-year period.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
- Sends email reminders to Council representatives regarding monthly meetings, annual voting periods, etc.
- Maintains confidential information and other records of the Council and meets with Executive Council every seven (7) years for review of storage.
- Books meeting space for Executive Council and Council monthly meetings.
- Schedules and coordinates guest speakers for Council meetings.
- Schedules Executive Council meetings with the Chancellor.
Section 6. The duties of the treasurer are as follows:
- Manages the budget and financial records of the Council to ensure compliance with institutional, state, and federal policies, procedures, and regulations.
- Serves as a signatory officer for the Council.
- Maintains an inventory list of university property controlled by the Council and assists the Property Control Office during property audits.
- Maintains and presents monthly accounting reports to the Council to ensure accurate financial statements are maintained.
- Verifies the accuracy, presents to the president for approval, and ensures prompt payment of invoices.
- Meets with Special Events concerning budgets for upcoming events.
- Provides financial guidance to Council committees and Executive Council as needed.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
- Prepares and reviews travel documentation and completes account transfers.
- Meets with president and university accountants to develop annual Council budget.
Section 7. The duties of the textbook scholarship manager are as follows:
- Sends announcements in UM Today of scholarship application deadlines for each semester.
- Evaluates all scholarship applicants for eligibility.
- Maintains a database and/or written records of applicants and their grades.
- Seeks assistance from the treasurer in managing finances for the program.
- Updates and presents reports of textbook scholarships to the Council and the Chancellor.
- Maintains complete records to comply with the Department of Information Technology’s Records Retention Policy.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
Section 8. The duties of the marketing manager are as follows:
- Reports events via social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, UM Today, etc.).
- Approves all promotional materials (letter, flyers, posters, etc.) for Council events and activities.
- Requests the printing of promotional materials from University Communications (letters, flyers, posters, etc.), as needed, at least one month in advance of Council events and activities to ensure timely distribution of materials. If more time is needed, the president must be notified.
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council.
- Attends regular monthly meetings with the Chancellor.
Section 9. The duties of the webmaster are as follows:
- Serves as the conduit between the Council and UM Staff by reporting events and updates on the Staff Council website
- Updates and maintains the Council’s website (posting of minutes and updating event information on Council’s website, promoting staff awareness, Staff Member of the Month promotions, etc.)
- Attends monthly meetings with the Executive Council
- Attends regular monthly meetings with the Chancellor
Section 10. The procedure for the election of Executive Council shall be as follows:
The president will send an email to the Council members requesting nominations for whatever positions are coming open in the next election cycle. Nominees must have served one (1) full year as a Council representative prior to nomination. Nominees must be an active participating member of the Council within the one (1) year period prior to nomination by attending meetings regularly and providing service in conjunction with the Council’s activities. The deadline for nominations will be mid to late fall. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots will be tallied by the Executive Council. The secretary will respond to all nominees with the results.
ARTICLE IX: Bylaws and Amendments
Section 1. The Executive Council shall review these Bylaws at least every three (3) years to update as needed.
Section 2. Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing or via email to the president of the Council. President will then appoint a bylaws committee chaired by a member of the Executive Council.
Section 3. Bylaws may be amended by a two-third vote of those Council representatives present at any meeting.
Section 4. Amendments to the Bylaws shall become effective upon certification of the affirmative vote by the Council.
The EEO category award seeks to recognize the outstanding staff members from EEO Categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. All active full-time permanent employees meeting the criteria below will be eligible for nomination. The nomination form will be available on the Staff Council website, on UM Today, and available upon request. Self-nomination is not permitted. The award will be presented at the Staff Appreciation awards ceremony.
Selection of the EEO category winners will be done by a committee selected by the president and chaired by a member of the UM Staff Council Executive Board.
NOTE: No person can win in his or her EEO category more than once. A person can win in both the EEO category and Overall category, but not in the same year.
In the event a voting member of the Executive Council or selection committee is nominated for an individual EEO category award, the member must remove himself/herself from the meeting or portion of the meeting at which the potential conflicting interest is discussed.
- Length of continuous employment and classification of nominee
- Nominee must have been employed by the University for at least one (1) year of continuous service.
- Nominee’s salary must be paid by the University and nominee must be classified by the University as an active, permanent, full-time employee in EEO categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
- Service to the University
- Committee memberships and/or offices held by nominee, and/or
- Voluntary assistance by nominee at departmental/University functions (i.e., commencement, receptions, sports functions, etc.), and/or
- Outstanding job-related contributions to the University considered by the nominator as “above the normal” job-related duties
- Service to the Community
- Organizations and/or committee memberships and/or offices held by nominee, and/or
- Voluntary assistance by nominee at community functions
- Personality and Character Traits
- Job-Related
- Shows initiative
- Demonstrates pride in work accomplishments
- Goes beyond basic job requirements
- Is willing to learn new duties and to increase job skills
- Personal Characteristics
- Honest
- Trustworthy
- Dependable
- Respectful of others
The nominator must be paid by the University as an active, permanent, full-time employee of the University in EEO categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. The nominator and nominee don’t have to be in the same EEO categories. The nominator may only nominate one person per year.
This award seeks to recognize the overall outstanding staff member, regardless of EEO category. The nomination form will be available on the Staff Council website, on UM Today, and available upon request. Self -nomination is not permitted. The award will be presented at the Staff Appreciation awards ceremony.
Selection of the Outstanding Staff Member of the Year will be done by a committee selected by the president and chaired by a member of the UM Staff Council Executive Board.
NOTE: No person can win the Overall category more than once. A person can win both the EEO category and Overall category, but not in the same year.
In the event a voting member of the Executive Council or selection committee is nominated for an individual EEO category award, the member must remove himself/herself from the meeting or portion of the meeting at which the potential conflicting interest is discussed.
- Length of continuous employment and classification of nominee
- Nominee must have been employed by the University for at least one (1) year of continuous service.
- Nominee’s salary must be paid by the University and nominee must be classified by the University as an active, permanent, full-time employee in EEO categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
- Service to the University
- Committee memberships and/or offices held by nominee, and/or
- Voluntary assistance by nominee at departmental/University functions (i.e., commencement, receptions, sports functions, etc.), and/or
- Outstanding job-related contributions to the University considered by the nominator as “above the normal” job-related duties
- Service to the Community
- Organizations and/or committee memberships and/or offices held by nominee
- Voluntary assistance by nominee at community functions
- Personality and Character Traits
- Job-Related
- Shows initiative
- Demonstrates pride in work accomplishments
- Goes beyond basic job requirements
- Is willing to learn new duties and to increase job skills
- Job-Related
- Personal Characteristics
- Honest
- Trustworthy
- Dependable
- Respectful of others
- The nominator must be paid by the University as an active, permanent, full-time employee of the University in EEO categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. The nominator and nominee don’t have to be in the same EEO categories.
- The nominator may only nominate one person per year.
This award was created to recognize and honor dedication and outstanding contributions by a University of Mississippi team of employees. Any supervisor, manager, or administrative head at the University of Mississippi may submit nominations of groups or teams as candidates for the Outstanding Team Service Award. The award will be given annually with a plaque for each team member. The award will be presented at the spring Staff Appreciation awards ceremony. The nomination form will be available on the Staff Council website, on UM Today, and available upon request.
Nominees must be permanent (not specified in criteria, but this is required for the other awards) full-time or part-time employees of the University of Mississippi. Nominations should be for groups of two or more staff members who work together toward a common goal or mission, who have gone above and beyond in their service to the University.
Selection of the Outstanding Team Service Award will be done by a committee selected by the president and chaired by the Scholarship Committee chair. A selection committee composed of the Executive Council and other personnel will meet to discuss and decide on a winner from the pool of potential candidates provided.
Recommended information to include:
- Area or department of team being nominated
- Names of team members nominated
- Narrative statements of the team’s mutual dependence, team spirit, team building, exceptional contributions and service to the University of Mississippi. Some areas to consider include, but are not limited to:
- Achievement on the job (ability in performing duties)
- Assistance to students, faculty, visitors, community groups and outside agencies
- Contribution toward the effectiveness and efficiency of UM operations
- Efforts in staff development or affirmative action
- Participation in university-related activities or committees
These criteria address employee achievements in programmatic effort that have an impact primarily at the department/school/county level within the University of Mississippi. Please include at least one to two bullet points from each section below.
Outstanding Achievement on the Job – actions that constitute performance beyond expected standards, such as:
- Producing high quality of work over an extended period of time
- Producing high quantity of work over an extended period of time
- Giving extra effort to complete a job or handle a heavier workload
- Serving/volunteering when unit is short-staffed
- Volunteering for and working on special projects
- Serving on a committee and contributing to its success
Exceptional Contributions toward the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operations – actions that contribute to the maximum utilization of departmental resources, such as:
- Integrating information or equipment for more efficient/effective use
- Developing new work methods that reduce waste or stretch resources
- Eliminating unnecessary actions or steps for delivering service
- Making creative suggestions that save time/money
Outstanding Service to Other Employees or Visitors – actions that are especially helpful or make a good impression on others, such as:
- Doing things for others that are beyond job requirements
- Performing in an exceptionally courteous and cooperative manner
- Being so helpful that others write letters of appreciation
Any supervisor, manager or administrative head at the University of Mississippi may submit nominations of groups or teams as candidates for the Outstanding Team Service Award.